

If a truck needs to be cleaned frequently, a covering – such as an aluminum or steel treadplate – might be used. When spec’ing fl oors for a specifi c application, fl eets should consider what the truck’s expected payload will be. What’s more, consider if a forklift or pallet jack will be used for loading/unloading application, and fi nd out if the fl oor needs to be reinforced. SAFETY AND PROTECTION FEATURES Th ere are a number of features to consider in order to keep drivers, trucks and cargo from being harmed during pickup and delivery applications. Gracia of Morgan says the most popular cargo constraint utilized on sidewalls is E-Track. “Th at runs, normally, front to rear on the sidewalls of the body. It can be recessed in between the plywood, or it can be surface mounted on top of the plywood,” he explains, adding there is no standard location for this, but rather it depends on what cargo is being loaded and transported. F-Track, another cargo restraint option, can be recessed in the fl oor, while a channel is also put in the ceiling across the width of the body. Th en a fl eet can put load bars in those slots, so cargo can be secured and prevented from shift ing sideto side while driving down the road. Additionally, tie-rings can be added on the wall or fl oor – wherever a fl eet might need them. However, Supreme’s Beasley notes tierings are not rated as high as E-Track or F-Track. In order to protect the truck itself from damage during loading and unloading, a scuff plate should be installed along the walls. Th ere are a number of variations of scuff plate, according to Gracia. He says 3/4” laminated hardwood – normally 12” high – is the most popular option, while wood, steel and plastic materials also can be used. For the same reason scuff - plate is used on the sidewalls, a reinforced front wall may be installed as well. Th is limits the damage done by forklift and pallet jack operators bumping into the front of the body. On the outside of the body, aluminum rub-rail is oft en installed to protect the exterior of the dry freight body. Fleets are also installing back-up cameras and sensors on the outside of the vehicle for added safety. Medium Duty | Again, there are many options and variations associated with spec’ing pickup and delivery bodies. Th at being said, there is not a universal solution for all fl eets. Th e key to securing the best truck involves an in-depth look at what each individual fl eet wants to accomplish. KAPTIVE BEAM The Decking System people ask for by name. KAPTIVE BEAM® INCREASE YOUR PROFIT REDUCE FREIGHT CLAIMS REDUCE RUN SCHEDULES FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Customer Service : US: 1-800-848-6057 Canada: 1-800-268-3530 Built-in Return On Investment. It’s yours with the Kaptive Beam® Decking System. CREATE A DOUBLE DECKED WITH KAPTIVE BEAM® FLOOR LOADED TRAILER, LOADED WITH 24 IDENTICAL PALLETS SECOND DECK INCREASE LOAD AVERAGE Kinedyne Kaptive Beam A large East Coast supermarket concern used to distribute its seafood much the same way as others still do – LQHIÀFLHQWO\DQGDWJUHDWFRVW As a cargo, seafood presents a QXPEHURIFKDOOHQJHV7KHFRQWDLQHUV come in odd shapes, and because the goods are often still alive, can be easi- O\GDPDJHGVRORDGVFDQҋWEHVWDFNHG Additionally, seafood is a value-dense cargo and even minor product losses FDQEHHWUHPHO\HSHQVLYH Like most others engaged in moving refrigerated seafood, the supermar- NHWFKDLQZDVIRUFHGWRÁRRUORDG HYHU\WKLQJDQGZDVXQDEOHWRÀWPRUH WKDQSDOOHWVLQDQ\ORDG,QRUGHUWR satisfy demand, the supermarket chain was making two to three runs a day from its central Pennsylvania shipping location to its distribution hub in central 1HZ<RUN6WDWH Enter Kinedyne and its unique Kaptive %HDP'HFNLQJ6\VWHP:LWKWKH.DS WLYH%HDP6\VWHPDÁHHWFDQLPPH diately reduce its run schedules and RYHUKHDGFRVWV)OHHWVFDQPLQLPLH the number of tractors, trailers and drivers required to move their freight, EHFDXVHWKH\ҋUHPDLPLLQJWKHFDSDF LW\RIHYHU\ORDGWKHLUÁHHWPRYHV7KH system easily handles mixed cargo and it can also help reduce damage to freight due to double stacking and load VKLIWLQJ 7KHVXSHUPDUNHWFKDLQZRUNHGZLWK LWVGHDOHU6RXWKVLGH7UDLOHULQ%XIIDOR NY, to order a new Vanguard reefer RXWÀWWHGZLWKWKH.DSWLYH%HDP6\V WHP:KHQWKHQHZ9DQJXDUGUHHIHU arrived, a Kinedyne representative trained six of the supermarket’s staff members on best practices and overall XVHRIWKH.DSWLYH%HDP6\VWHP 7KHUHVXOWVZHUHDVWRQLVKLQJULJKWIURP WKHVWDUW7KHVXSHUPDUNHWFKDLQZDV able to double the load capacity of its new 53-foot reefer, moving from 24 SDOOHWLHGFRQWDLQHUVWRHVVHQWLDOO\ WDNLQJWKHRULJLQDOORDGDEOHÁRRUVSDFH IURPVTXDUHIHHWWRVTXDUH IHHWRIORDGDEOHDUHD Kinedyne usually tells customers to expect a Kaptive Beam System to SD\IRULWVHOIZLWKLQWKUHHPRQWKV7KH supermarket chain has reported that it calculates the savings associated with this single Kaptive Beam System to be DERXWDQQXDOO\ Facts about the Kaptive Beam System: 1. 7KHV\VWHPFDQDOPRVWGRXEOHWKHORDG capacity of a refrigerated trailer, while reducing damage by up to 50% 2. ,QFUHDVHGORDGFDSDFLW\LPSURYHVWKHSURÀW on every load carried (on average between 25% to 50%) 3. 7KHV\VWHPLPPHGLDWHO\UHGXFHVUXQ schedules and cost 4. ,QVXUDQFHIXHOPDLQWHQDQFHDQGGRFN labor costs are lessened 5. Driver HOS are reduced 6. )HZHUWUDFWRUVDQGWUDLOHUVDUHQHHGHGWR move the same amount of cargo — so capital equipment utility increases with capacity 7. 7KHV\VWHPUHGXFHVFDUJRGDPDJHE\ reducing double stacking and load shifting, and the system easily handles mixed cargo 8. 7KHV\VWHPUHGXFHVDÁHHWҋVHSRVXUHWR cargo-related CSA infractions 9. 7KHV\VWHPVWRUHVRXWRIWKHZD\DWWKH ceiling level when not in use 10. 7KHV\VWHPFDQEHUHWURÀWWHGRQPRVWGU\ van trailers and can be specked on new refrigerated trailer builds by all major OEMs YouTube video link: KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y =0FV&EOV Regional Supermarket Chain Cuts Reefer Run Schedule by One Third, Saves Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars with Kinedyne’s Kaptive Beam Decking System One Double-Decked Reefer Saves Carrier Up to $400,000

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