
Cover Story | ‘BIG C’ By David A. Kolman, Editor The importance of understanding and protecting against Corrosion Back in the 1930s, sodium chloride (rock salt) started being used for deicing– the melting of ice and snow on roadways – along with sand strategies to improve traction. Th en came de-icing chemicals. Th ese were introduced to better deal with the chief challenge of winter maintenance: mobility and safety. A problem with de-icing operations is that they can be ineffi cient. Without reliable weather information, road crews have to wait until a storm hits before they begin to salt, sand and plow. But by then, the storm has the advantage and crews struggle to keep clear roadways that are already covered with snow or ice. Th roughout the years, snow and ice management, as well as the chemicals used to keep roads safe for motorists, have evolved. Th e winter road maintenance strategy of anti-icing began in the U.S. and Canada in the late 1990s. Continued Page 10 The problem of vehicle corrosion has worsened over the years as new formulations of more aggressive anti-icing chemicals have been employed to more effectively deal with the chief challenges of winter maintenance: mobility and safety. Photo from iStock Is the threatening the integrity of your fl eet? ❚ AUGUST 2016 ❚ FLEET MAINTENANCE 9

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